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    The content in the manual will adjust to the specific
    location of your office.

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  • Choose the building you work in:

    Green solutions

    The name says it all, so Green Horizon has ecology in its DNA. The applied energy-saving technical solutions will not only minimise the complex’s impact on the natural environment, but will also positively influence the total energy balance and comfort of work for all of us. Here is a small selection of the patents applied.

    Using cold outside air to cool the building.

    Using water mist with low-cost thermal energy to humidify the air. This results in minimal energy consumption and much less environmental impact than electric power.

    Using warm air from offices to heat the garage.

    Energy-efficient lighting system consisting of energy-efficient fluorescent lamps, control system for optimal energy use within the complex and motion sensors controlling lighting in common areas of the office building.

    Maximum access to daylight.

    Using local materials, which reduces transport and consequently the carbon footprint.

    Installing waterless urinals, water-efficient fittings and toilets.

    Planting plants in open green spaces that do not require watering.

    Pro tip

    At Green Horizon you can join a green education programme for tenants! Contact the property manager for details.

    Contact us

    Do you wish to know more, or maybe need some help? Our team is waiting for you! Below you will find contact information about matters relating to this section.


    Junior Property Manager
    Elżbieta Wontor
    +48 787 863 745

    Property Manager of the Green Horizon complex. Provides all necessary information on the buildings.
    Interior modifications during lease term
    Lease contract
    Property Manger