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    The content in the manual will adjust to the specific
    location of your office.

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  • Choose the building you work in:

    Meet Green Horizon

    Green Horizon is a modern office building located at Solidarności Traffic Circle and Pomorska Street – one of the main arteries in Łódź. There is a complex of the University of Łódź Law Faculty in the immediate vicinity (so called Paragraf). Solidarności Traffic Circle is a public transport hub from which you can reach any place in the city. The motorway is also located nearby.

    The name says it all, which is why Green Horizon stands for its respectful approach to the environment. The most noteworthy green solutions include energy-saving lighting and an efficient air-conditioning system.

    Pro tip

    The inner courtyard is the green heart of the Green Horizon. Here you will truly feel what open space means! You can breathe some fresh air, organise an informal meeting, and take part in various events after working hours with your family and friends.