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    Do you drive an electric car or ride an electric scooter? Great! At Green Horizon you will find electric car and scooter charging stations. Have you not gone electric yet? There are still plenty of opportunities. Let the planet breathe and switch to low-carbon vehicles. Green Horizon will help you make the change!

    Electric cars

    Green solutions have always been a priority for us. That’s why we placed an electric car charger on the corner of the A2 building.

    Electric scooters

    Green Horizon likes those who scoot around town! You’ll find charging stations in the outdoor area and specially designated parking areas.

    Pro tip

    Electric scooters are considered the most efficient mean of transport. Why? Not only are they convenient and fast, but they are also easy to transport and store, and most importantly, they are eco-friendly!

    Where to park a scooter?

    We understand that electric scooters don’t really prefer the rain. That’s why you can leave your vehicle under the roof in two designated parking spaces. The first is located between buildings A1 and B1, and the other is between A2 and B2.

    Where to charge a scooter?

    At Green Horizon you will charge your scooter with green energy. The charger can be found on the corner of building A2.

    Contact us

    Do you wish to know more, or maybe need some help? Our team is waiting for you! Below you will find contact information about matters relating to this section.


    Junior Property Manager
    Elżbieta Wontor
    +48 787 863 745

    Property Manager of the Green Horizon complex. Provides all necessary information on the buildings.

    Interior modifications during lease term
    Lease contract
    Property Manger